Cannabis Hospitality Summit



Alannah Davis
CEO, Dabble Cannabis Co.

Alexis Dickson
CEO, Blunts & Beans


Meaghan Ralston
CEO, Maggie Jane Marketing

Meaghan Ralston is the CEO and founder of cannabis focused marketing agency, Maggie Jane. Since legalization, Meaghan has been helping brands sell more cannabis through a variety of marketing activities, like brand development, advertising campaigns, content development, social media and events. In collaboration with others, Meaghan hosted the first legal cannabis event in Alberta and some of the first legal cannabis events in Vancouver focused on connecting brands and budtenders. She blends her legal education, CPG marketing expertise and thorough cannabis knowledge together to serve the industry with creative strategies and sure-footed execution, that drive results and maintain compliance.


Instagram: @maggiejanemarketing


Want to become a speaker or suggest a panel?

Please submit a custom panel suggestion, or pick from our curated panels.
Let us know more about the speaker, or panel suggestion and how it fits into the Cannabis Hospitality Summit
If you are pitching a new panel - please submit as much info as possible including suggested speakers. If you are wanting to join on of our curated panels, please provide as much info about yourself or suggested speaker.

Schedule at a Glance:

Friday, March 14th: Industry Day (The Future of Cannabis & Hospitality)

Sessions & Panels (8:00AM – 6:00PM)

After Party (7:00PM – 12:00AM)

Saturday, March 15th: Consumer Day / Activations

Happy Daze Industry Networking Brunch (10am – 2pm)

Activations & Experiences (3pm – 12am)


Must be 19+ to attend all events.

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